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Indeed job search

Job title- 1. Vehicle Photographer I 2. Photographer    3. Sporting Event Photographer

location- 1.    6446 Fremont Street, Riverside, CA 92504          2.    Riverside, CA               3.4000 Ontario Center Parkway, Ontario, CA 91764

Do you meet the qualifications for the job?

  1. No, I don’t currently because I’m still in high school.

2. I think I do meet them.

3. I don’t meet them because I don’t have experience in sports photography.

What skills would you need to get the job?

1. Generally, less than 2 years’ experience in a related field

2. To have experience in Photography

3.previous sports photography experience.

Why would you want to have this job?

  1. I love taking pictures and I also love cars, so I think this is perfect for me.

2. I love taking photos and having that as a job i think is very fun.

3. I think taking pictures of people playing sports would be fun

What is the starting pay for the job?

1.$17.31 – $25.96 an hour

2.$75 an hour

3.$25 an hour

Would you be able to support yourself if you worked at this job?

  1. I think I would be able to support myself.

2. I would be able to support myself.

3.  Yes, I would be able to

Create a list of expenses you would have if you had if you lived on your own and worked at this job?

  1. camera, computer, camera equipment

2.camera, computer, camera equipment

3.camera, computer, camera equipment

What are your actual career goals for your future?

I want to be a professional soccer player and if not, I want to work in the law enforcement.

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