© 2023 13alexa

Collage about ME

This is my collage about me. The reason I have a soccer ball is because I play soccer and I’ve played for 10 years now and the Barca on it is a soccer team I like. All the soccer players on my collage are pedri,neymar,messi,gavi,alex morgan those are my favorite players and I love them all. The Mexican flag represents who I am and where I’m from. I love shoes from Nike and Jordans. Empyre and Dickies is a clothing brand that I like and wear. The cars are different Porsche’s and Porsche 911 sports classic is my dream car. I love spiderman and marvel. I LOVE listening to music some of my favorite artists are j Cole, the weekend, Ivan Cornejo I love listening to their music on my free time or at any time. The camera is because i love taking pictures i started taking pictures for fun but now at family events i take pictures for everyone. I love taking pictures of my little sister and of sunsets and of soccer players.

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